Write for ATA

The sole reason for Art/s and Theology Australia (ATA) is to encourage conversations between theology and the arts. We welcome contributions from practitioners, creatives, scholars, curators, and others with an interest in the creative arts, and that serve such conversations. Such may include short essays, reviews, poems, music, photos, and critical reflections.

To submit a piece to ATA, please follow these following steps:

  1. Familiarise yourself with the website in order to gain a sense of what the network is about, and whether your proposed contribution will ‘fit’.
  2. Contributions should be written in a way that invites rather than shuts down a conversation.
  3. Articles and reviews should be between 500–2,000 words. Poems may be of any length.
  4. Please use language that is accessible to a wide audience and keep footnotes to a minimum. Where the use of technical terminology is necessary, please provide a brief explanation of the relevant terms.
  5. The Editorial Team reserves the right to make small editorial changes to your work. Any major changes will not be made without your permission.
  6. Copyright for your contribution remains with you. We would ask, however, that any republished pieces include a line indicating that the article was first published on Art/s and Theology Australia.
  7. You are encouraged to include images and/or video with your article. Where such images belong to someone else, it is your responsibility to either secure permission in writing from its owner, or to justify the ‘fair use’ of the image, such as when the image falls under a Creative Commons License, for example.
  8. Articles should be accompanied by a short, 2–3 sentence bio.
  9. Names and email addresses provided will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of Art/s and Theology Australia and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any third party.
  10. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any remuneration for articles.
  11. If your piece is published on the website, there is an expectation that you will engage (in a timely fashion) with any ensuing comments.
  12. Accepted work will be published within one week of receiving an agreed final version.

To submit your work, please visit the Contact page or email one of the editorial contacts.