three poems, or prayers, or psalms



after Psalm 1

dig in deeper
to the river
running living water
my roots dive for
depth strives for
after dusty shallows
rocky fallows deserted
so I’m thirsting
from the working hard
to stay alive
and now it’s simple
to truly thrive
by the source
realigned with this replanting
though the uprooting
from familiar
mud dried up
shook the muck
from my feet and I
am replete
digging deeper
the river

— ℘ ℘ ℘ ℘ ℘ —

Prayer of a wilting tree
with Psalm 1

Is the stream in a lush
field of grasses and many trees
to surround this one replanted
for its hope for happiness?

Does the stream divert to the desert,
meet the tree half way in
this shift towards rebirth?

Holy One, if you are the stream,
I believe you will meet this
tree where I’ve fallen, my re-
planting a resurrection for restoration
of this wilderness with me.

And Holy One, if you are rich
earth, the field of green growth
in vital soil, I believe I’d like
to return, dig my roots in deep
and feed on your life-giving love
among the other replanted trees
you have rescued.

Show me what I need, Source
of Life, a stream to meet me,
in a distant field, or homecoming
to your good earth.

— ℘ ℘ ℘ ℘ ℘ —

In the warming air
a psalm

Sun beams kiss the clouds white,
their linings, silver on a cobalt
canvas, pull cotton strings
to float my sinking heart.

That’s you all over, Creator,
isn’t it? Bouncing balloons across
horizons to evoke delight from even
the gloomiest of days;

it’s creation singing its silent
ode to you, is it not, turning
mourning cloths to dancing robes,
catching us all unawares.

It’s your notes the bees hum
when humans lose the tune;
your melody the wind runs
wild and free with the birds:

lift our hearts with yours,
all you trees, and fields crowded
with flowers singing – bring
us home into the Song.


Image: Camille Brodard | Unsplash

Sarah Agnew is a storyteller, poet, and minister with the Uniting Church in Australia, in placement with Christ Church Uniting, Wayville, on Kaurna Land in Adelaide. Sarah’s poetry, liturgy, and other writing, including the Lenten Study with Psalms, Through the Valley, can be found at

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